此病人接受 Charles S, Neer II 人工全肩關節置換術,看來癒合得不好,Margin和
之前骨折的3D圖,脆脆脆。 =.=
Clinical: Rt proximal humerus fracture.
CT scan of the Rt humerus with multiplannar reconstruction without IV contrast was performed.
The result showed:
>Comminuted fractures of the Rt humeral head and neck and proximal Rt humerus with
multiple bony fragments and displacement, with articular involvement of the gleno-humeral
joint with lipohemoarthrosis.
>Anterior medial displacement of the Rt humerus is found.
>Inferior displacement of the Rt humeral head with increased acromio-humeral distance
of Rt shoulder, may be secondary to hemoarthrosis of Rt gleno-humeral joint.
>OA change of Rt acromioclavicular joint with marginal spur formation.
>There is an intra-muscular lipoma in the posterior Rt deltoid muscle,
1.8cm X 1.5cm X 3.0cm in size.
* Comminuted fractures of Rt humeral head and neck and proximal Rt humerus with multiple
bony fragments and displacement, with articular involvement of the gleno-humeral joint with
* Anterior medial displacement of the Rt humerus.
* Inferior displacement of the Rt humeral head with increased acromio-humeral distance
secondary to hemoarthrosis.
* OA change of Rt acromioclavicular joint.
* An intra-muscular lipoma in the posterior Rt deltoid muscle.