I64921192 薛人傑
Your new patient is a secretary who presents with upper back and neck pain. She describes a
gradual onset. She reports sitting at a computer for 6 to 8 hours each day and having to take phone
calls on a regular basis as well. You examine the patient and find several active myofascial trigger
points. Describe your course of treatment for this patient. How will you address the effect her work
has on her problem?
*Short term goal: eliminate prior to addressing the trigger point and restore ROM.
Trigger point release.
* Contract-relax-passive stretch done repeatedly until the muscle: 患者先做等長性的肌肉收縮,然
(PIR:post-isometric relaxation)
# Posterior neck muscles
# Upper Trapezius
# Levator Scapulae
# Scalene
* Contract-relax-active stretch also done in repetition.
* Stretch and spray(噴劑治療 inactivation) & Soft tissue mobilization:Stretching to increase axial
* ice massage(analgesia) & deep friction massage
(Dr. Janet Travell : to stimulate cutaneous afferent, producing a reflex decrease in γ motor neuron
firing thus permitting more passive stretch of muscles)
* muscle massage: 在患者疼痛部位塗上按摩乳液,順著肌肉生長方向實施按摩,力量由輕慢慢加
重,緊帶區(taut band)可以加強按摩。主要也是藉著破壞收縮-缺氧惡性循環來減輕症狀,約有
80%的患者藉著按摩使疼痛症狀緩解。 冷、熱、電療(cold、heat、electrical therapy):利用"
* Laser therapy(Pain management): Contact technique, Laser probe直接接觸皮膚,並且打在
painful trigger points上頭。
Effective dosage:15-30s(He-Ne laser:30s Ga-As laser:20s) 0.5-10 J/cm2
Frequency:daily for severe pain
Pulse frequency:20-80Hz or continuous mode
* injection(麻醉)
* acupuncture(dry needling)機械性破壞
* finger acupuncture:即缺血性壓迫法(ischemic compression):拇指直接對激痛點持續性地壓迫
* psychological consulation: 抑鬱(depression)、強迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorders)
、慢性焦慮狀態(chronic anxiety states)。
可能tightness的部位及TrPs: SCM complex(dizziness)、Upper trapezius、Occipital Ridge(頭
痛)、Levator Scapulae、Rotator cuff、Rhomboids。
*Long term goal: muscle strengthening and Teach proper movement and balance control
( Home & Office Program)
1. to decrease a forward-head posture(Pokining chin posture: results from neck flexion and head
extension):axial extension / scapular retraction(圖二)
a. 上半身應保持頸部直立,使頭部獲得支撐,兩肩自然下垂,上臂貼近身體,手肘彎曲呈90度,操
b. 必須選擇符合人體工學設計的桌椅,使用專用的電腦椅,坐在上面遵循「三個直角」:電腦桌下
膝蓋處形成第一個直角,大腿和後背是第二個直角,手臂在肘關節形成 第三個直角。肩胛骨靠在椅
3. 每隔一小時休息十到十五分鐘,並做一些self-stretch。
# Posterior neck muscles
# Upper Trapezius(using a towel)
# Levator Scapulae(self)
# Scalene(臉可朝不同方向,or在圓柱枕頭上)(圖五)
# SCM(圖六)
5. Training the short cervical flexors/ de-emphasizing Sternocleidomastoid(圖三)
6. Self-resistance for cervical flexion and axial extension(圖四)
7. Strengthening exercise for Serratus anterior (Push-up plus)
8. swimming, or jogging( 3 times/a week)